May 19, 2016
ROUNDTABLE: Trails on Preserves [Presentation 1; Presentation 2-DMHManagement Plan]
TH1: Land Conservation Primer [Presentation 1; Presentation 2; Presentation 3]
TH2: Storytelling Slam [Presentation]
TH3: Water Protection through Land Conservation [Presentation 1; Presentation 2; Presentation 3; Presentation 4]
TH4: Appraisal Rules [Presentation] [Handout 1-FMV Definitions; Handout 2-Appraiser Assesment; Handout 3-IRS Memo; Handout 4-CE Issue Worksheet; Handout 5-Form 8283; Handout 6-8283 Worksheet; Handout 7-Code Sec 707; Handout 8-Notice; Handout 9-IRS PUB 526; Handout 10-IRS PUB 547; Handout 11 – Substantiation and Disclosure; Handout 12-PPA SEC 1219; Handout 13-Regulation 1.170A-13; Handout 14-Regulation 1.170A-14; Handout 15-Revenue Code 170; Handout 16-Revenue Code 267; Handout 17-Revenue Code6695A; Handout 18-Swap Letter; Handout 19 – Syllabus]
TH5: Conserving Working Forests [Presentation]
TH6: Drafting Conservation Easements [Presentation 1; Presentation 2] [Handout 1-CE Model; Handout 2-Model Transaction Checklist]
TH7: How to be a Good Second [Presentation]
TH8: Targeting Land Protection and Restoration for Water Quality [Presentation]
TH9: Long Distance Trails [Presentation]
May 20, 2016
ROUNDTABLE: Land Stewardship Network [Handout 1-Landowner Communication; Handout 2-Vocabulary]
FR1: Pipelines and their Right-of-Ways [Presentation 1; Presentation 2] [Handout 1-Infrastructure Report; Handout 2-Workgroup Recommendations; Handout 3-Governors Task Force Report]
FR2: Membership Programs: Raising Unrestricted Money from People Who Love You [Presentation]
FR3: Accessible Trails: The Building Blocks for Success [Booklet-Universal Access Trails]
FR4: Acquiring Land for Conservation [Handout 1-Acquiring Land; Handout 2-Addendum; Handout 3-Authorization; Handout 4-Closing]
FR5: Stream Restoration Tour [Presentation]
FR6: Conservation through Utilization [Handout 1-American Farmland Trust; Handout 2-Cost of Community Service; Handout 3-Agricultural Economic Development; Handout 4-Farm Protection Fact Sheet]
FR7: Right-of-Way Management and Stewardship [Presentation 1] [Presentation2] [Presentation 3]
FR8: Trail Care 101: It’s a Management AND a Maintenance Issue [Presentation]
FR9: Climate Change and Resiliency [Presentation]
ROUNDTABLE: Fundraising & Organizational Development
FORUM: Challenge the Experts – Solving Puzzling Protection Projects
May 21, 2016
1a: Your Input Wanted: Revisions to Standards & Practices [Presentation] [Handout 1-S&P Review Process; Handout 2-S&P Infographic; Handout 3-S&P Discussion Draft; Handout 4-Standards and Accreditation Requirements]
1b: Natural Heritage Areas: More than Places on a Map [Presentation] [Handout-Participant Guidance]
1c: Winning at the Ballot [Presentation 1; Presentation 2]
1d: Engage, Inspire and Retain Stellar Volunteers
1e: GIS and other Mobile Technology for Efficient Data Collection and Stewardship [Presentation]
2a: Stories from Three Years of Terrafirma Conservation Defense [Presentation]
2b: Comparing Conservation Strategies from Opposite Sides of Penn’s Woods [Presentation]
2c: Basics of Oil and Gas Title Law [Presentation]
2d: Diversity Initiatives: Involving Underrepresented Communities (in Environmental Programs) [Presentation]
2e: Cultural Landscape Assessments: Including Cultural and Historical Assets in Land Management [Presentation 1; Presentation 2; Presentation 3; Presentation 4]
2f: Opportunities for Trails along Utility Corridors [Presentation]
3a: Risks and Opportunities: Conserving Land with Investment Entities [Presentation]
3b: Sustainable Ecological Systems by Design [Presentation]
3c: Anatomy of a Real Estate Transaction
3d: Engaging Landowners in Legacy Planning: What Do They Need? [Presentation]
3e: Conservation Mapping Resources [Presentation 1; Presentation 2] [Handout-Resource Mapping Websites]