We Are WeConservePA
Why the name change? “Our new name concisely states what the directors, committee members, and staff of the organization endeavor to accomplish; the work of member land trusts, open space programs, environmental advisory councils, trail groups, and other conservation organizations engaged with and supported by WeConservePA; and the motivation for …read moreAbout the New Logo
WeConservePA’s logo features a stylized cone of the eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), Pennsylvania’s official state tree. The shade-tolerant hemlock grows naturally in every Pennsylvania county but especially on relatively moist ridges, ravines, and hillsides. Vast numbers of towering, centuries-old eastern hemlocks greeted colonial settlers. The hemlock’s dense evergreen branches shelter …read more
Save the Date: WeConservePA Conference 2021
Save the Date WeConservePA Conference March 24-26, 2021 Virtual for the first and hopefully only time! Formerly known as the Pennsylvania Land Conservation Conference, the WeConservePA Conference is Pennsylvania’s premier networking, training, and inspirational event for those involved with private and public land conservation.read moreLand Stewardship Roundtable: December 1
The 12/1 land stewardship roundtable runs is open to all people involved with stewardship of land or conservation easements. The opening theme of the December roundtable addresses the challenges of stewarding land and easements along property borders including neighbor problems. As time allows, we’ll address other topics of interest. (You …read moreHere’s Your Chance to Shape the 2021 WeConservePA Conference
You can help shape the agenda for the 2021 WeConservePA Conference (formerly the Pennsylvania Land Conservation Conference). If you would like to be considered for the conference planning committee, please nominate yourself by contacting Carol Grayshaw at cgrayshaw@weconservepa.org, or call 717 219 4074. WeConservePA is looking for insight into what roundtable discussions, workshops, …read moreThree New Guides
WeConservePA has published three new guides at ConservationTools.org. The content of each is briefly described below. Adverse Possession in Pennsylvania A long-time trespasser may gain ownership of land by using it with no documented challenge for 21 years. Landowners can avoid this threat with some good, basic practices. (link, 7 …read more2019 Biennial Census Report
The 2019 biennial census report was recently released. Highlights from the report found that between 2010 and 2019, land trusts in Pennsylvania: Expanded the lands they have conserved by 35%; Conserved 207,000 acres of land (323 sq. mi. – roughly the size of Lehigh County); On average, conserved 57 acres …read more
Items Of Interest
Girty’s Woods Gets DCNR Grant and Full Community Support
Wilderness First Responder Course – Jan 2021 at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary
Pennsylvania Outdoor Recreation Plan 2020-2024 Educational Webinars
PFBC Now Accepting Applications for Boating Facility Grant Program with Special Emphasis on the Delaware River Watershed
Conservancy Announces “Nature Heals: Restore, Renew, Reconnect” Photo Contest Winners and Gallery Exhibition