Last month, the Lancaster Conservancy and partners gathered at the Conoy Wetlands Nature Preserve to celebrate two momentous occasions: the Conservancy’s acquisition of 49 acres along the Northwest Lancaster County River Trail in Conoy Township, expanding the Conoy Wetlands Nature Preserve to 71 acres, and the formal opening of the Conservancy’s Falmouth Forest Garden on the read more
Heritage Conservancy Preserves 76 Acres in Quakertown Swamp
Heritage Conservancy is happy to announce that the Herrmann property, a 76-acre property located along Rich Hill Road in the heart of the Quakertown Swamp in Richland Township, is now preserved in perpetuity. This preservation success was 15 years in the making, and its completion means that a vital keystone piece of the Quakertown Swamp is now protected. Considered a high read more
Natural Features Reduce Flooding in Lancaster County
With the recent heavy rainfall this week, floodplain restoration and natural features like wetlands (known as green infrastructure) are proving to have an obvious impact on flood reduction. Regional solutions, such as floodplain restoration, inherently decrease impacts that extend beyond a single parcel of land. Reduced flooding and improved water quality are generally observed read more