WeConservePA seeks to form a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Community to provide people a forum to share experiences, learn about and advance effective practices, and identify opportunities to individually and collectively promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in conservation work and organizations.
WeConservePA invites anyone who is a staff person, board member, or volunteer with a conservation organization to self-select themselves to participate in a temporary organizing body of the DEIJ Community who will over 4-6 months provide input into the overall structure, approach and direction for the DEIJ Community. The organizing body may also host/organize a few workshops or sessions for the broader DEIJ community.
To self-select yourself, please complete and submit this form.
Submission of this form assumes individuals agreement to:
- Engage as best as I am able in the work of the organizing body, which may include Zoom meetings, group discussions, and review of materials, for a period of 4-6 months
- As best as I am able, attend DEIJ Community meetings as planned by the organizing body
- Provide timely feedback
Please direct questions to Sara Painter, Director of Outreach and Development.