WeConservePA has compiled links to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) resources. Topics range from anti-racism resources, to diversity and inclusion in conservation, to personal reflections. If you are aware of other good resources to include in this compilation, please contact WeConservePA communications specialist, Hilary Hirtle, at hhirtle@weconservepa.org. read more
A Message to Our Members and the Manada Conservancy Community
Conservation of our natural resources is often viewed as separate from the nurturing of human life, but it is all part of what we often call the web of life. Because of this, our mission is inextricably tied to justice, inclusion, diversity, understanding and knowledge. A culture of oppression can undermine any and all efforts to preserve our living planet and all the beings read more
Get Involved: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Council
The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association seeks to form a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Council to provide people a forum to share experiences, advance good practices, and identify opportunities for promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in conservation work and organizations. If you are with a land trust, trail group, or other conservation read more
We’re trying but we know we need to do more.
Black Lives Matter. In the wake of amplified protests and awareness of the Black Lives Matter movement, and because our organization believes that Black Lives Matter, our staff has increased our continued dialogue and commitment to this issue in an effort to be better and contribute toward a healthier, more sustainable community for all. The recent experience of fellow read more
Breathing the Same Air
It’s been a difficult couple of weeks, as we all know, with the racial tragedies that have taken place and the issues that have again surfaced. They weren’t far below the surface. This has been a particularly difficult two weeks for me. I’m coming up on one wonderful year this month in leading The Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County (TLC), and as many of you know, read more
Conservation and Justice for All
Dear Friends and Supporters, Conservation is crucial but not sufficient for ensuring that ALL people have the opportunity to live freely and prosper in healthy communities. It is deeply wrong that a Black person has to worry about being accosted and threatened while birdwatching in a park. It is evil that simply encountering law enforcement or jogging while Black can be the read more
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy Opens ADA-Accessible Garden
Government, nonprofit and faith leaders gathered on May 1 in Shadyside to open Pittsburgh’s first ADA-accessible community flower garden. This new Western Pennsylvania Conservancy-owned community flower garden, located at the First United Methodist Church of Pittsburgh, will provide and expand gardening opportunities for people with disabilities or other physical read more
Hawk Mountain honored for improving accessibility
The Partnership for a Disability Friendly Community has recognized Hawk Mountain Sanctuary for helping to create an inclusive, accessible, and welcoming community with the opening of its new Accessible Trail. “This project is the greatest inclusionary outcome in our entire region, if not the entire state,” said Amy Beck, the executive director of the Lehigh Valley Center for read more
Hawk Mountain to open first Accessible Trail
Coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Hawk Mountain enters a new age of outdoor accessibility with the opening of its first Accessible Trail to the nearby South Lookout. This trail features a slope of less than 8.3 percent, which falls below the federal guidelines for national parks. As no guidelines yet exist for state or read more