PATU is seeking a full-time Program Director to oversee the Coldwater Heritage Partnerships (CHP) Program and other statewide programs and initiatives. The Program Director must have a range of skills to effectively execute his/her varied responsibilities, which include: staff and program management, strategic planning, ability to provide technical support and guidance to council, chapters and other conservation organizations, conduct meetings and trainings, and oversee communication of the Council. This is not a telecommuting position and will have office space at the PA Fish and Boat Commission Facility in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania. This position will report directly to the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited Executive Committee and Coldwater Heritage Partnership Committee. The Program Director’s primary objective is to implement the Council’s involvement in the Coldwater Heritage Partnership (CHP) Program. This program targets the conservation and protection of Pennsylvania’s coldwater streams and is a joint effort of TU, Pa Fish & Boat Commission, the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds and the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.