We are thankful to the support of dozens of volunteers who offer a few hours of their time to help out at the conference each year. Volunteers provide support in the classroom, on field trips, and at the registration desk and help to ensure the conference runs smoothly. If you’d like to learn more about volunteer opportunities or are interested in lending a hand, please email Carol at cgrayshaw@conserveland.org.
Photographers Wanted!
We are recruiting volunteer photographers who are willing to photograph various aspects of the conference including award ceremonies. If you are interested in offering your services, please email Carol at cgrayshaw@conserveland.org.
A/V Support
One of the easiest ways to support the conference is to donate a/v equipment for use during the event. Typically, PALTA requests a/v projectors though may need additional equipment such as laptops, screens and flipcharts. PALTA staff will coordinate with a designated staff person from your organization in terms of when and where your equipment should be set up and retrieved. By using donated a/v projectors, PALTA saves thousands of dollars in equipment rental fees. To learn more, please email Carol at cgrayshaw@conserveland.org