Soon, Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy’s Cavanaugh Access will officially become part of the Tioga State Forest. Since Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy Dunn will be in Wellsboro, NPC will hold the dedication (even if the transfer to the Bureau of Forestry hasn’t happened yet).
August 8, 2017 at 11:00 AM
231 Marsh Creek Road, Wellsboro, PA
Parking will be in a field across the Pine Creek Rail Trail from the Access. It won’t be a manicured area, so please choose your shoes carefully. You’ll then walk back across the Pine Creek Rail Trail to the Access.
From the intersection of Route 6 and 287 north of Wellsboro, head north on 287. Marsh Creek Road will be the first road on the left. You’ll see Pag Omar farm market near the intersection. From this turn you’ll travel about four miles and the site will be on your left.
If you’re feeling more adventurous, you could also ride your bike from the northern terminus, the Ansonia Access, or Darling Run. Be at the site by 11:00am, please.
RSVPs are not required, but appreciated. Call 570-323-6222 or email
Please dress to be outside and wear comfortable shoes. The Bureau of Forestry will have a path mowed around the field so you can walk a portion of the property (if you want to) after the formal program.