The Audubon Naturalist Society (ANS) seeks a dynamic Director of Conservation to provide strategic leadership for our newly launched Communities for Clean Streams campaign in the DC metro region. The Conservation Director will develop, define and implement campaign strategies to influence local and state policy decisions, organize citizen advocacy actions and build coalitions that steward, restore and protect local streams in the DC area. The Director will educate and sway decision makers to support effective clean stream legislation for diverse communities in our region. The Director will plan and implement community organizing efforts for the campaign including coalition building, advocacy training, and dissemination of citizen engagement tools and events to support effective implementation of local watershed protection and restoration plans. The Conservation Director will organize and provide content for the Communities for Clean Streams online community and for annual reports to ANS members, the public, coalition partners and government officials. This senior, supervisory position reports to the ANS Executive Director and will work closely with ANS Program Directors and Board to align the Communities for Clean Streams campaign with the ANS mission, vision and strategic plan.
For a complete description, visit our website
To apply, email a cover letter and resume to